Programming Langueges: Their Core Concepts

There is a huge number of different programming languages, and each brings different programming concepts with it, such as functions, type, scope, class, and inheritance. While many of these concepts are applicable to multiple languages, some are unique to just one. This book sets out to explore why these concepts exist.

It does so by looking at and comparing multiple languages from the perspective of their designers, and explaining how they have changed over time. By understanding why these concepts exist, you will not only be able to decide when, how, or even whether to use them; it will also far be easier to understand any new concepts that may be developed in the future.

It was published on April 2013 in Japan. It was the bestseller in Amazon programming category. It was the bestseller among computer related books published in 2013. It was also published in Korean and Chinese.

Now it is being translated to English. Early drafts are available on Github.

I'll notify you!

Cover of the Japanese version


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